National Farm Business Management Conference
June 11-15, 2017 ♦ Des Moines, IA

2017 CHS Conference Scholarship

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The National Farm and Ranch Business Management Education Association and the National Association of Farm Business Analysis Specialists, with major funding from CHS, Inc., are offering scholarships to individuals who are considering a career in farm business management education. The scholarship is designed to encourage attendance at our national conference being held from Sunday, June 11th through Thursday, June 15th, 2017 in Des Moines, Iowa.

We are offering a limited number of scholarships which will cover expenses for travel, rooms, and conference registration (includes most of the meals). College students or recent graduates who may consider a career in farm business management education, and those already working in an agricultural field who might consider a career move to teaching farm business management are encouraged to apply for the scholarship. For more information, contact or call Tina at 507-327-3732.

Attending the conference gives the participant an opportunity to learn about working with farmers in farm business management education and network with those already in the field. It is a great opportunity to gain understanding, learn about an exciting field and build a resumé all at the same time. CHS and our members recognize there will continue to be a strong need for new professionals pursuing careers in farm business management education. To apply, download and fill out the 2017 CHS Conference Scholarship Application. The application due date is April 21, 2017 Application deadline has been extended to May 11, 2017.

CHS Inc. “is a leading global agribusiness owned by farmers, ranchers and cooperatives across the United States. Diversified in energy, grains and foods, CHS is committed to helping its customers, farmer-owners and other stakeholders grow their businesses through its domestic and global operations. CHS, a Fortune 100 company, supplies energy, crop nutrients, grain marketing services, animal feed, food and food ingredients, along with business solutions including insurance, financial and risk management services.”CHS Inc. website

“The National Farm & Ranch Business Management Education Association’s mission is to promote and support farm and ranch management education. We accomplish our mission by providing in-service education to our members and by communicating and cooperating with others.”

“National Association of Farm Business Analyst Specialists is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to provide opportunities for farm business analysis specialists to exchange ideas and methods, to promote opportunities for additional training for members and to cooperate with other organizations and educational institutions to advance comparative farm business analysis techniques.”

Tentative Agenda for Early-Career Program

Sunday Afternoon Arrival (4 hrs.)


  • What we do. An explanation of our profession(s) and NFRBMEA/NAFBAS (Tina LeBrun and TBD)
  • Introduction to FBM-Beginning Farmers Experience/FBM 101 (Tina LeBrun)
  • Farm Analysis-Enterprise Interpretation (Ira Beckman or TBD)
  • Special Topics and Questions

Monday Morning Introduction to Conference Attendees

Conference Sessions (2 hours throughout the conference)

  1. Employment opportunities by state.
  2. Funding for Farm Business Management Education throughout the U.S.
  3. A one-year membership in NFRBMEA is awarded to scholarship recipients. How you can be engaged with our Association and benefit from it.
  4. Opening your doors to a career opportunity in farm business management education through education and employment.

small PDF icon Download NFRBMEA Early-Career Program Agenda

Last Update: 6/10/17