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Sunday: Pre-Conference Board Meetings

2007-08 NFRBMEA Board
2007-08 NFRBMEA Board: (L to R): Laurie Morris, '08 Conference Co-host;
Wayne Pike, Membership Sec & Nuts & Bolts Co-editor; Deb Pike, Webmaster
& Nuts & Bolts Co-editor; Doug Wertish, Treasurer; Paul Gorman (seated)
President-elect; Jay Olson, Past President; John Hobert (on tractor), President;
Rick Morgan, Secretary; Pat Harrington, '08 Conference Co-host.

Joint Board Meeting

Joint Board Meeting1 (L-R): Deb Pike, NFRBMEA; name, Holt Hardin, Sue Sharon, Mike Schmitz and Bob Rhea, NAFBAS. Joint Board Meeting2 Jim Kurtz, Tina Barrett, Bob Rhea, NAFBAS; Doug Wertish, John Hobert, Paul Gorman, NFRBMEA.
Joint Board Meeting3 Facing, L-R: Tom Thaden, NAFBAS, Pat Harrington and Rick Morgan, NFRBMEA; Facing away: John Hobert and Doug Wertish, NFRBMEA. Joint Board Meeting4
L-R: Kevin Klair and Dale Nordquist, CFFM.

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Alexander Ott
Alexander Ott, Executive Director, California Apple Commission
Manuel Cunha, Jr.
Manuel Cunha, Jr., President, Nisei Farmers League
Gabrielle Kirkland
Gabrielle Kirkland, Director of Membership, California Grape & Tree Fruit League
Karen Morais
Karen Morais, CPA with Baker, Peterson & Franklin, LLP spoke on Business Issues
Nikolya Serdyuk
Nikolya Serdyuk, CPA with Baker, Peterson & Franklin, LLP spoke on fraud prevention
John Diener
John Diener, Red Rock Ranch, participated in Producer Perspective panel
Boyd Corkins
Boyd Corkins, S & J Farm Management, participated in Producer Perspective panel

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NFRBMEA Members— Missed this year's conference? Click here for the 2008-09 Membership Form!